Mom Jeans / Grad Life - Split
Mom Jeans / Grad Life - Split
Mom Jeans / Grad Life - Split

Mom Jeans

Mom Jeans / Grad Life - Split

Sale price$10.00
Variant:Hot Pink /750

the split to end all splits. back again with a few variants for ya

Graduating Life:
1. Metallica Rocks
2. Mom Jeans Sucks (but Austin drives a fast car tho)

Mom Jeans:
1. heck you Bart pt. II: electric boogaloo
2. shred cruz

Pressing Information

2nd Press:
Clear w Pink Splatter /200
Purple /300
Black /500

3rd Press:
Half Green/Half Blue /500
White w/ Green and Blue Splatter /500

4th Press
Yellow /250 (HoneyTV Exclusive)
Hot Pink /750