Wayne Szalinski
Wayne Szalinski - Black Mirror 12"
Cool project right here, we have teamed up with a passionate, frantic, but now inactive indie math rock quartet from East Lansing, Michigan to distribute the remaining copies of their 2014 debut LP "Black Mirror." Once these run out they will not be repressed!
""Black Mirror" is a neo-noir that struggles with masculinity/identity, entangled sexuality and violence, and questions why we bother to love at all." - The band
"“Black Mirror” is a strange mix of emo, math rock and indie rock that strays between each almost equally. It’s catchy in a very subdued way, chilled indie riffs and math rock choruses interspersed with melodic downtime, while vocalist Andy Milad’s quivering vocals take most of the focus and are at the forefront of proceedings." - Sputnik Music
Check out their session on Audiotree Live as well as their Spartan Session!
Pressing Information
1st Press:
Black /500